Brandon, Bretford & Wolston History Group
Below you will find a number of research projects that we have been working on. If you have any further information on any of the research projects that you are willing to share, please get in touch. If there is a subject that you would like us to research, please let us know. We also have some information on various families that live or have lived in Wolston, Brandon and Bretford.
World War I
We are currently researching WW1 and the men of the villages, who served during the Great War. There are already a couple of projects underway which are putting together the information on the soldiers who died in the war and are commemorated on the war memorials in Wolston and Brandon. However, we would like to look at the bigger picture and get a true account of the number of men that enlisted from the villages, researching about their lives before they enlisted. Did you have an ancestor who lived in the villages and served in the war? Do you have any stories or photographs to share?
Brandon Broiderers
A number of villagers from six local villages have formed a group, with the aim of producing a stitched textile hanging detailing the historic buildings and areas within Brandon. The textile hanging has now been completed and has been hung in Wolston Village Hall beside the Wolston wheel. A lot of the group had little or no experience but were willing to learn new skills guided by a member of the Royal School of Needlework.
Brandon Fields Finds
As part of our on-going research into the history of Brandon's Village Field, we have been privileged to have the Hinckley Search Society (on recommendation of Coventry Archaeological Society) to survey the field. Their service was given freely; all members donating their time and very considerable experience and expertise for which we are extremely grateful. The field is designated as a possible Medieval Settlement by Warwickshire Historical Environment Record (NO. MWA 4266). We were specifically looking for ‘small finds’ showing evidence for this. We were not disappointed!
Finds registered because of their broader historic significance can be seen on the Portable Antiquities Scheme website at:
PUBLIC-FBD102 arrowhead Neolithic Warwickshire
PUBLIC-FC58F2 book fitting post medieval Warwickshire
PUBLIC-FC7CE1 spindle whorl medieval Warwickshire
At some point we will be carrying out further surveys of the field with the help of Coventry Archaeological Society. Hopefully this will include geo-physical mapping and exploratory trenches looking for the possible medieval settlement.
More information on the finds from the metal detection survey
Research Requests
Jeff Chatwin is currently writing up a project for the Brandon, Bretford & Wolston History Group. It is entitled “BB&W1911: Before the Great War”. He has already got a good selection of Edwardian photographs. The article will include Census information, references to over 180 news items, maps relating to, and who went to war/census. Integrated into the framework will be the articles by, Tom Walton, May Woodier, George Thomas Ward and Kitty Satchwell who all lived through the era detailing life before The Great War.
Photographs he is looking for, to try to fill some gaps in a photo gallery of the village during this era are.
I am looking for: 1. Newcombe’s Farmhouse next to the Old School. 2. The Brewery in Brook Street. 3. Snells Farmyard now Half Moon car park. 4. Jackson’s Blacksmith next to The Baptist Church. 5. The Vicarage. 6. Odd Fellows Village Hall. 7. Avondale the Old Doctors House Main St. 8. The Cricket Pavillion. 9. Meadow House where Bluemel’s Offices were built. 10. Tim’s Yard and Square Yard on School St. 11. Marston Hall Farm. 12. Ward’s Blacksmiths Main Street behind the Old Bakery. 13. A Lord’s joinery yard Main St. 14. Everton Manor Brandon. 15. Detailed picture of the abattoir in Brook St.
Please get in touch if you think you can help. Jeff 76544109
Do you remember Dr George Campbell who was the village doctor in the 1940's? We have been contacted for more information and we would be interested if anyone remembers him.